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The Chief of Defence Staff, General Shavendra Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil, was extended a warm welcome by Major General C D Ranasinghe RWP RSP, the Commander – Security Forces (Wanni) (15 October 2022) at the Security Force Headquarters (Wanni) premises.

The drive-past Guard Turnout greeted the visiting Chief of Defence Staff at the entrance before he was ushered to the auditorium for troop address.

Addressing the troops, General Shavendra Silva recalled the Wanni Humanitarian operation that he too commanded the victorious 58 Division along with the Commando Brigade which recorded a highest number of successful achievements.

The CDS also highlighted that the 58 Division that was commanded by him conducted the largest ever hostage rescue mission at Puthumathalan by liberating over one hundred thousand civilians from the cruel clutches of the terrorists. Also, he elaborated how Wanni was instrumental being a pivot for all fighting units, support arms and service units during the Humanitarian Operation. The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) made it an occasion to appreciate all Officers and Other Ranks who attended all past missions and were present at the address.

General Shavendra Silva also stated that numerous projects, endeavours, launched by CDS during his tenure as the 23rd Commander of the Sri Lanka Army all success because of the determined commitment of the troops as well as his successful commandship was also determined by the professional discharge of duties by all ranks of the Army.

At the same time, the CDS conveying his gratefulness to all troops who engaged in the operations introduced to control the fast spreading Covid-19 pandemic, stressed that the duty discharged with responsibility by all troops island wide, during the prevailed challenging period could minimize unexpected eventualities and brought solace to the general public.

Further, he requested all Officers and Other Ranks to continue to extend the same responsible and professional support to the present Commander of the Army also by performing all entrusted duties.

Thereafter, a memento exchange took place between the Security Force Commander Wanni and the Chief of Defence Staff where Major General C D Ranasinghe did not forget to gratefullyappreciate the financial assistance rendered for the Security Forces Wanni by General Shavendra Silva whilst his tenure as the Commander of the Army which realized many infrastructure developments within the headquarters premises as well as at all under command formations.

Further appreciating his act of benevolence, the Security Force Commander stated that he was able to provide life support for some needy families in his area with the financial assistance that CDS granted.

GOCs of Divisions, FMA Commander, Brigade Commanders, a cross section of Officers and Other Ranks under command to SFHQ (W) were present at the occasion