Tomorrow (25th) evening, Sri Lanka will experience a partial solar eclipse in the sky

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Professor Chandana Jayaratne, Professor of Physics and Director of the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences at the University of Colombo, said the partial solar eclipse will be visible in many areas of Sri Lanka at sunset tomorrow, but it will be best seen in Jaffna.

In a statement, he said that the partial solar eclipse will begin at 5.27 pm for Jaffna city. And the maximum solar eclipse occurs at 5.46 pm. 8.8% of the Sun’s disk is covered by the Moon. Although the solar eclipse ends at 6.20 pm. It can be observed only till sunset at 5.49 pm. This solar eclipse will be visible in Jaffna for 22 minutes.

The area from Anuradhapura to Jaffna is the most suitable area for viewing this solar eclipse and the southern parts of Sri Lanka will not be able to see this solar eclipse.

Residents of Colombo will be able to see the beginning of the partial solar eclipse at 5.43 pm. and maximum eclipse at 5:49 p.m. The Moon covers about 1.6% of the Sun’s disk.