How long time Screen Influence to Your Kids Life  

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By Nisal Rukshan

Digital screens are everywhere now. Sometimes those are with music, videos, photos, animations cartoons etc for different purposes like education, entertainment, Advertisements, notices and many more. Even though most of these are to provide services or products via visual and auditory media to the community recently it caused some significant issues in the human life circle.

Whilst you are reading this article your kid may be with a mobile phone, tablet PC, Laptop or television enjoying cartoons or some entertainment programme.

Sometimes you may feel relaxed ,once your toddler cries and then you give your mobile phone with an animated cartoon to stop it. Yes, of course, you will get short-term relaxation and the happy kid is also may staying in one place by watching all the cartoons with much attention.

Most of today’s families experience this due to their busy  and complex schedules. Especially parents can continue their work without interruptions at a times kids with digital screens. But nowadays experts in the field revealed that, these much un concentrated habits caused numerous effects on the life of children in long term.Those effects can be the deciding  factors of tomorrow of the world.  Are you aware of this?

What are the effects of much screen time on children?

Attention Problems:

When a child with more screen time they are not aware of the environment. The total mental and physical concentration of the devices deviates from them. Hence it increases the unawareness and attention to the environment. it will create inabilities and less attention to even a mid of uttermost important matter or situation.

Behaviour Issues

Long-term screen addiction creates many behavioural issues in the life of kids. Especially an attempt to imitate some characteristics of those media. Examples are superman, tugs, cheating tactics, disturbing someone even in bad language.

Difficulties in speaking

Some cases found that kids have not consisted of enough words to express their feelings since long-term screen time. Since kids are learning words and other important skills from outsiders while observing other activities and interactions. When it is limited to devices automatically verbal expressions will be limited in kids.even they are not confident in showing own facial expression or recognition of others.

Sleeping disturbances

Similarly, long-time screen addiction creates problems in the sleeping of kids. According to the experts, the lights emitting from the screens are affecting the human sleep circle and the brain which may lead to insomnia.

Lapses in Education

This is also another critical factor which leads due to screen addiction. Since the attention span of the kids may long term focused on favouriting available devices. Those will affect the focus and concentration on education and leads to a lack of interest by creating lapses in education.

Health Issues

Any addiction creates issues in the mental and physical of individuals. changes in eyesight, overweight, weight loss and personal hygiene can be marked as some of them. If it continues even after identification will lead to severe issues.

Relationship Issues

According to the American Psychiatrist Association (APA) addictions to videos, music, Tv shows, games and movies lead to many relationship issues. Especially those that may lead towards violence, hate,no or lack emotions, cruel activities, mistrust etc.

These are a few identified issues of the long-term screen action of kids among many.

As parents and guardians, you may be experiencing or identifying some of the vital signs discussed above. Then what will be our or your reactions to recovering those habits?

As Adults or parents what We can Do?

Watch with them (possibly every time)

If you can associate with their screen time and explain to them about it even good or bad may enhance the skills of the kids. Similarly, it will create interactive sessions like a question asking, song singing or chatting productively.

Go for the appropriate Media

Sometimes kids may just surf on media without concerning value or appropriateness. Those may create a different issue if not recognized by the guardians at the correct time. Since you have to observe what they are doing and whether are they appropriate for the ages etc. adequate attention will result in the future of the kid.

Go for Limitations

You can limit the channels of the satellite TV Connection, access to the website even features of the devices in support of your service providers. even if you are with busy work schedules those precautions will help to have some control over the times you are not available.

Be an Example

Kids are imitating elders all the time, hence it needs to have a discipline of yours whilst with kids. Especially don’t stay on the screens long time nearly. Then those will be an example for them.

Use Time table

Always use a timetable for kids, especially to wake, meals, sleep, education, sports etc. make them work accordingly. In long term, it will create good habits among kids with better results.

Use the Big three (Good Sleep, Good Meals, Regular Exercise)

All the time’s emphasis on the importance of Good sleep, nutritious meals and regular exercise. those will reduce screen time, bad health habits and sleep schedules. Then you can monitor the progress of those long and short terms. 

Here Follow the Screen time recommendations by Age according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Babies 0-18 Months; None except video chat with adult

Toddlers 18-24 Months; Less than 1 hour per day.

Limit media to quality educational programs that you watch together

Age 2 – 5 Years:

Less than 1 hour per weekday and less than 3 hours per weekend day, Limit media to educational, interactive programs you can watch or play together

Children 6 -17 years: Aim for less than 2 hours of recreational screen time use per weekday, Maintain healthy limits on screen time and content. Focus on making time for other important activities: 1-2 hours of physical activity, a full night’s sleep, meals as a family, screen-free relaxation time

18 Plus; Limit recreational screen time to 2-4 hours a day. Keep work-related screen time around 8 hours a day if you can. Take frequent screen breaks and set up screen-free times and zones. Make time for physical activity

Meantime, if you found some critical issues with these sorts of addictions and behaviour in someone please go to the nearest mental professional advisor for further instructions and treatments.

Nisal Rukshan Bsc (Hons) Counselling Psychology