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Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force (SLVNF) was honoured by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, His Excellency the President Ranil Wickremesinghe  evening (18 August) by awarding President’s Colours in a spectacular ceremony held at Sri Lanka Naval Ship Nipuna, Pitiwella, Boossa, Galle.

Presidential Colours is recognized as the highest accolade any force could receive and is presented as a tribute to the invaluable services and numerous sacrifices it had made for the defence of the country.

The Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera RSP USP ndu psc warmly received His Excellency the President Ranil Wickremesinghe on arrival at the premises and accompanied him to the saluting dais to review the parade soon after the Guard Turnout to the visiting Chief Guest. Subsequently, President’s Colours was awarded by His Excellency the President Ranil Wickremesinghe amidst military formalities and traditions.

Addressing the distinguished gathering, the President appreciated the duties discharged by the Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force being the main arm of Sri Lanka Navy in the civilian sphere and added that the Navy plays a major role in any island nation. He further stressed that the present security environment projects not only traditional security threats but numerous other means with the advancement of technology. The president also stated that the geostrategic location of Sri Lanka demands the Sri Lanka Navy to be more effective in the Indian Ocean as the main sealines of communication runs through the Sri Lankan waters.

The president elaborating the county’s stand in the region, emphasized that the neutral foreign policy of Sri Lanka has created a friendly and healthy security and trade environment to any country despite the Indo-Pacific Power Revival. He further revealed that the government is in the process of developing a Defence Strategy for year 2030 forecasting the developments and challengers in the field.

At the invitation extended by the Commander of the Navy, the Chief of Defence Staff General Shavendra Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil attended the grand ceremony. He also congratulated the Commandant of the Volunteer Naval Force, Rear Admiral HGUD Kumara VSV, USP, psc, MMaritimePol, BSc (DS) and all ranks of the SLVNF at this significant juncture. General Shavendra Silva stated that the sheer commitment of the retired and serving members of the SLVNF made this achievement and highlighted the requirement of maintaining the same standard in the future as well.

The State Minister of Defence Hon. Premitha Bandara Tennakoon, Hon Governor of the Southern Province, Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, many senior naval retired and serving officers and a distinguished gathering graced the ceremony.

The day’s ceremony was followed by a charm cocktail which was also attended by the distinguished guests and invitees.