President Ranil Honours Traveller Shahmy Shaheed: A Journey of National Pride and Tourism Revival

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In a world where extraordinary feats often go unnoticed, Shahmy Shaheed, a young adventurer from Beruwala, Sri Lanka, has carved his name into the annals of history. Walking 1,500 kilometers across the island in just 45 days, Shahmy’s journey not only captured the attention of his fellow citizens but also earned him a special place in the heart of the nation. On the 28th of August, President Ranil Wickremesinghe honoured Shahmy Shaheed,at the President’s official residence in Colombo, recognizing his efforts in promoting peace, safety, and tourism in Sri Lanka.

The Man Behind the Journey: Who is Shahmy Shaheed?

Early Life and Background

Shahmy Shaheed, hailing from the coastal town of Beruwala, is not just any ordinary young man. Born and raised in a community known for its rich culture and history, Shahmy Shaheed grew up with a deep appreciation for Sri Lanka’s natural beauty and cultural heritage. His love for adventure and exploration was evident from a young age, often spending his free time exploring the hidden gems of his hometown.

Motivation Behind the Journey

The idea of embarking on a 1,500-kilometer trek around Sri Lanka was not just about personal achievement for Shahmy Shaheed,. His primary motivation was to showcase the peace and safety of Sri Lanka, especially in the post-conflict era. Shahmy wanted to send a powerful message to both locals and foreigners that Sri Lanka is a land of beauty, tranquility, and boundless opportunities for exploration.

The Journey Begins: From Beruwala to Colombo

Route Overview

Shahmy’s journey began in his hometown of Beruwala, a picturesque coastal town known for its golden beaches and vibrant fishing communities. From there, he embarked on a route that would take him through some of Sri Lanka’s most stunning and diverse landscapes. The journey included stops in Ambalangoda, Ranna, Mirissa, Hambantota, Wellawaya, Monaragala, Siyambalanduwa, Pottuvil, Nilaveli, Mulathivu, Paranthan, Point Pedro, Chunnakkam, Mannar, Medawachchiya, Anuradhapura, Puttalam, Marawila, Negombo, and finally, Colombo.

Key Destinations Covered

Each location Shahmy visited was carefully chosen to highlight the unique beauty and cultural significance of that area. From the coastal serenity of Mirissa to the historical depth of Anuradhapura, Shahmy’s route was a tapestry of Sri Lanka’s rich heritage and natural wonders. His journey was not just a walk; it was a celebration of everything that makes Sri Lanka a remarkable destination.

Promoting Peace and Safety

Shahmy’s Message to the World

Throughout his journey, Shahmy carried a message of peace and safety. He wanted the world to know that Sri Lanka, once marred by conflict, has transformed into a haven for travelers. His walk was a testament to the island’s newfound tranquility, urging both locals and tourists to explore the country without fear.

Social Media as a Tool for Awareness

Shahmy leveraged the power of social media to document his journey. By sharing real-time updates, photos, and videos, he effectively reached a global audience. His posts not only showcased the breathtaking landscapes but also highlighted lesser-known tourist spots, drawing attention to areas that often go unnoticed by mainstream tourism.

Boosting Sri Lanka’s Tourism Industry

Showcasing Lesser-Known Tourist Spots

One of the most significant outcomes of Shahmy’s journey was the spotlight it cast on lesser-known tourist spots. Places like Paranthan, Chunnakkam, and Siyambalanduwa, which are often overshadowed by more popular destinations, were brought to the forefront. Shahmy’s journey encouraged travelers to venture off the beaten path and explore these hidden gems, boosting local economies and promoting sustainable tourism.

Impact on Local and International Tourism

Shahmy’s journey did not just resonate within Sri Lanka; it caught the attention of international audiences as well. His efforts were instrumental in revitalizing interest in Sri Lanka as a tourist destination, particularly in the wake of global travel restrictions. The journey served as a beacon of hope for the tourism industry, highlighting Sri Lanka’s potential as a safe and captivating destination.

The Presidential Honour

President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s Recognition

On August 28th, President Ranil Wickremesinghe formally recognized Shahmy Shaheed’s extraordinary achievement. In a ceremony held at the President’s official residence in Colombo, Shahmy was honoured for his dedication and the positive impact of his journey on the nation’s image.

The Commemorative Gift

As a token of appreciation, President Wickremesinghe presented Shahmy with a special commemorative gift. This gesture symbolized the nation’s gratitude for Shahmy’s efforts in promoting peace, safety, and tourism in Sri Lanka.

Future Collaborations

During their meeting, President Wickremesinghe expressed his intention to involve Shahmy in future initiatives aimed at further enhancing Sri Lanka’s tourism sector. Shahmy’s unique perspective and firsthand experiences make him an invaluable asset in shaping the future of Sri Lankan tourism.

National Pride and Economic Growth

Shahmy’s Contribution to National Pride

Shahmy Shaheed’s journey is more than just a personal accomplishment; it is a source of national pride. His walk around the island symbolizes the resilience and spirit of the Sri Lankan people. By showcasing the beauty and safety of the country, Shahmy has contributed to a renewed sense of pride among his fellow citizens.

The Economic Impact of His Journey

The economic benefits of Shahmy’s journey are significant. By drawing attention to lesser-known tourist spots and encouraging both local and international tourism, Shahmy has played a crucial role in boosting the tourism industry. His journey has the potential to generate economic growth in areas that are often overlooked by traditional tourism routes.

Inspiring the Nation

Shahmy as a Role Model

Shahmy Shaheed’s journey serves as an inspiring example of how individual efforts can contribute to national pride and economic growth. His determination and dedication are qualities that resonate with people of all ages, making him a role model for aspiring adventurers and explorers.

Encouraging Exploration and Adventure

Shahmy’s journey encourages others to embark on their own adventures. Whether it’s exploring a new part of the country or taking on a personal challenge, Shahmy’s story inspires people to step out of their comfort zones and discover the world around them.


Shahmy Shaheed’s 1,500-kilometer journey around Sri Lanka is a testament to the power of individual effort in making a positive impact on society. Through his walk, Shahmy has not only promoted peace and safety but also revitalized interest in Sri Lanka’s tourism industry. His recognition by President Ranil Wickremesinghe is well-deserved and serves as a reminder of the importance of national pride and unity. Shahmy’s story is one of inspiration, reminding us all that even the smallest actions can lead to significant change.