Final Journey of Dr. Pallegama Siriniwasa Nayake Thera

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Chief Sanghanayake of the North Central Province of the Malwatte Chapter of the Shyamopali Wansha Maha Nikaya, Atamasthaanadhipathi, Saddhamma Jothika Dhaja, Dr. Pallegama Sirisumana Dhammarakkhitha, Siriniwasaabhidhaana Nayaka Thera passed away peacefully at the age of 69 years in the 2566 Buddhist Year in the month of Wap or on the night of October 18, 2022 at a private hospital in Colombo.

The funeral will be held today (October 22, 2022) at 2 p.m. at the Santhaagaara Hall in the premises of the Jaya Shri Maha Bodhi and the cremation will be held at the grounds of the ancient Maha Vihara near the Thuparamaya.

The late Nayaka Thera was born on January 2, 1953 in the Pallegama village, located close to the Dambulla town. He was born as a pious son to father Pallegama Udahamagagedera or Dukganna Walawwe Tikiribanda and to Anula Kumarihami the mother who lived in the Dukganna Walawwe, and was named Jayathilaka. He obtained his basic education from the Bulagala School close to Pallegama and based on a goal he had from his younger days entered monkhood as Pallegama Siriniwasa. At that time, Ven. Pallegama Dhammarakkhitha Thera, who had been living at the Ruwanweli Mahaseya used to visit the Abhinavarama Temple located in the Pallegama village from time to time, and after informing the villagers that he had a desire to ordain three children and one of them was Jayathilaka, who was mentioned earlier.

Accordingly, he arrived at the Ruwanweli Seya and subsequent to fulfilling religious rites for a while and learning sermons and the Dhamma, was ordained at the Udamalu Temple.

He was ordained under the auspices of then Atamasthaanaadhipathi Most. Ven. Uduruwa Halmillawewe Revatha Nayaka Thera’s and Ven. Siri Sumana Gnanarathana Thera’s teachings.

Then he entered the Maha Vihara Pirivena at Thuparamaya for his initial education and later went to the Maradana, Maligakanda Vidyodaya Pirivena in 1971 for higher studies. He passed the GCE Advanced Level examination with excellent results in 1983 and then entered the Kelaniya University in 1984 and obtained an Arts Degree.

After completing his education, he was appointed in charge of the Mirisavetiya Vihara and rendered an excellent service for its advancement. It was during that period that the renovation was carried out at the Mirisavetiya and brought to the condition it is in now.

Then he was appointed in charge of the Ruwanweli Seya Temple. In 1995, he was offered the post of Chief Sanghanayake of the North Central Province. With the Passing Away of Most. Ven. Pallegama Gnanarathana Thera he was offered the post of Atamasthaanaadhipathi on July 5, 1997.

The Nayake Thera considered it his ultimate responsibility to protect the Vijaya Sri Jayasrimaha Bodhi, and with the joy of serving Buddhism, he acted with indomitable courage on behalf of the sacred Bodhi daily.

As a sign of that unique service, the construction of the second golden fence, the removal of the iron gates and the installation of gilded brass gates, the expansion of the dilapidated Dewala courtyard and the beautification of the Bodhi precinct to enhance the historical splendour, the preparation of the procession route, as well as constructing three buildings for accommodating the Maha Sangha who came from all over the country and the construction of ‘Sannipaatha Hall’ which can accommodate about 5,000 people and many temple facilities were added.

He did not stop at that, he looked into and worked for the development of Atamasthaana itself, including the restoration of Jethavana Chaitya, the restoration of the Abhayagiri Chaitya, and the construction of Lankarama Sangharama.

He did not limit himself to physical developments only and rendered exceptional service to spiritual development as well on behalf of improving society. He helped destitute people with compassion by providing food as well as through donating money generously. He provided an Intensive Care Unit for Ward 18 at the Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital. He was the advisor to the Kidney Association and helped kidney patients in Rajarata in various ways.

He gathered together Bhikkus of the North Central Province and established the Maha Vihara Sangha Sabha.

He maintained a dansala daily near the Sri Maha Bodhi and provided devotees with water and sanitary facilities. He donated saplings of the Sri Maha Bodhi to both local and foreign temples and ensured the advancement of the Sasana. As a tribute to the service done on behalf of the Sasana world-wide in this way, he was awarded a doctorate degree from Chulalankara University in Thailand. Also, the Saddhamma Jyothika Dhaja Award, which is considered to be the highest honour given to monks from Burma, was awarded to the Nayaka Thera.

May the Most Venerable Dr. Pallegama Sirisumana Dhammarakkita Siriniwasa Nayaka Thera, who was the pioneer of a revival of the Atamasthaana and was endowed with Sanghasobhana qualities like a bright and shining moon in the sky of the Sasana achieve noble Nirvana.