’76 MPs given flats for rent’–Minister

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Sri Lanka’s housing minister Prasanna Ranatunga says 76 Members of Parliament who lost their houses and property to arson following the unrest that broke out since May have been given temporary housing at the Viyathpura Housing Scheme in Kalalgoda.

Speaking in Parliament Yesterday, November 29, Ranatunge said that these houses were given for a period of one year, with a monthly rental charged from the occupant MP.

Furthermore, he said that not a single MP was given a house free of charge clarifying an accusation made by an Opposition member.

Ranatunge said that the complex comprises 106 houses for MPs, and 76 of them have been given on rent to MPs, and if any other MP has a requirement a vacant house can be provided on rent.

Moreover, he said that these houses can be purchased by MPs as well to be used as their permanent residences