Turning a new leaf in the manufacture of essential Army ordnance and thereby saving a large share of foreign exchange, the Army Ordnance Industries (AOI), intended to be self-sufficient in military supplies and materials, was relocated and subsequently inaugurated this morning (8) at Veyangoda Central Arms and Ammunition Deport premises to be in line with the Sri Lanka Army ‘Way Forward Strategy 2020-2025’.

Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, Commander of the Army with the intent on encouraging the Ordnance production within the organization itself, was instrumental in relocating the project and attended the inauguration as the Chief Guest at the invitation of the Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps (SLAOC).

In the year 2014, the Army’s first Ordnance factory was established in Dombagoda, aimed at manufacturing a selected variety of hardware, such as iron beds, iron equipment, leather products, apparels, refilled tyres, canopies, etc. The construction of the new expanded premises at Veyangoda began in 2021 and was completed in early December 2022.

Major General M.E.P Weerasinghe USP ato, Colonel Commandant, SLAOC warmly welcomed the Commander of the Army, seconds after a drive-pass at the entrance greeted him. Likewise, the Colonel Commandant invited the Commander of the Army to unveil the plaque, and declare the new Army Ordnance Industries open by cutting a ribbon as members of the ‘Maha Sangha’ began chanting ‘Seth Pirith’.
The new location, comprised of separate production units such as apparel, belts, berets, shoes, weavings, iron beds and different equipment manufacturing sections was then visited by the day’s Chief Guest in the company of the Colonel Commandant and several other Officers.

The visiting Commander of the Army was afterwards invited to leave memories by posing for several group photographs and planting a sapling in the factory premises.
Major General D.G.S Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, Commandant Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force, Major General D.M.K.D.B Pussella RWP RSP, Commander Security Forces – West, Major General W.B.S.M Abeysekara RSP USP, Director General Financial Management, Major General G.R.R.P Jayawardena RWP RSP ndu, Quarter Master General, Major General S.P.A.I.M.B Samarakoon Hdmc Lsc, Commander, Army Logistic Command, Major General J.A.R.S.K Jayasekara, Director General, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks were associated with the ceremony of the re-location of Army Ordnance Industries.
The Commander during a couple of recent meetings with senior officers of the Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps (SLAOC) underlined the need to be self-sufficient in military supplies and materials, thereby saving a considerable amount of financial resources for the Army and country.