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The 4th CISM World Military Beach Volleyball Championship will be hosted this year by Sri Lanka. This year, the Sri Lankan Military, hosts the Championship under the supervision of the President of the Defense Services Sports Board and the Sri Lanka Air Force Sports Council, the Commander of the Air Force, Air Marshal Sudarshana Pathirana and also with the overwhelming support of the Commander of the SL Army, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage and the Commander of the SL Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera.

The World Military Beach Volleyball Championship, organized for the fourth time by the International Military Sports Council (CISM), will be held for the first time in Sri Lanka and all arrangements have been made to hold the tournament from the 11th to 18th of February 2023 at Negombo beach. Military Beach Volleyball players representing eight countries are going to participate at this Championship and the opening ceremony is going to be held on the 12th of February 2023. This year’s tournament will be thrilling and highly competitive as it extends to military volleyball players from Colombia, Germany, France, Netherlands, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and the hosts, Sri Lanka with 16 Men’s teams and 09 Women’s teams.

The International Military Sport Council (CISM) was founded on the 18th of February 1948 and organizes various sporting events for the armed forces worldwide. CISM brings together military personnel from all its 133 member nations who may previously have met on the battlefield while enabling them to strengthen their friendship on the playing field.

This is in accordance with the philosophy and the ideals outlined in the CISM’s mission statement, signed by all the member countries. The ultimate goal of CISM is to contribute to world peace by uniting armed forces through sports, achieving its motto, “Friendship through Sport.”