The 14th contingent of the Sri Lanka Force Protection Company (SLFPC) in the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) before their departure to take over peackeeping roles on Wednesday (28) presented a ceremonial salute to Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, Commander of the Army at the Sri Lanka Artillery (SLA) Regimental Headquarters parade ground at Panagoda.

After a warm welcome to the day’s Chief Guest, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage by Major General W.A.S.S Wanasinghe RSP VSV USP ndu, Colonel Commandant of the SLA and Commandant, Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force (SLAVF), he was invited to receive the Guard Turnout at the entrance, presented by SLA troops as a formality upon his arrival.

Subsequently, the day’s Chief Guest was formally ushered to the parade ground where the Parade Commander reported and requested the day’s protagonist to review the ceremonial parade. After a while, the Army Chief took the salute in conformity with military traditions.
Adding symbolic importance to the Sri Lanka Army’s UN assignment, the day’s Chief Guest handed over the National flag, United Nations flag, Army flag and the Sri Lanka Artillery flag to the UNIFIL-bound SLFPC contingent Commander as part of the formalities, denoting that their preparations for the mission are now complete and ready to undertake responsibilities.
The 14th SLFPC contingent, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel D.P.I.T Kaluaggala RSP USP IG and 2nd in Command, Major W.M.C.K Wanninayake is composed of 125 Army personnel, including 10 Officers and 115 Other Ranks.
Troops of the Sri Lanka Artillery (SLA), Sri Lanka Engineers (SLE), Sri Lanka Signal Corps (SLSC), Mechanized Infantry Regiment (MIR), Commando Regiment (CR), Special Forces (SF), Corps of Engineer Services (CES), Sri Lanka Army Service Corps (SLASC), Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps (SLAMC), Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (SLEME), Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps (SLAOC), Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP), Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps (SLAWC), Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps (SLAGSC) and the Sri Lanka National Guard (SLNG) are included in the contingent.
The Army Chief soon after the ceremonial parade talked to the contingent and highlighted the significance of the overseas assignment to the country and the Sri Lanka Army. In his brief address to the UN bound mission, the Army Chief underlined the importance of it and how the Sri Lankan contingent in the UNIFIL has become a prominent force.
” We started the Lebanon mission in 2010 and it is our training and experience that has placed us in an outstanding position, by which we have been able to sustain this mission throughout in an effective manner “.
“It is very relevant and important for our mission to maintain sound relations between UN peacekeepers and the general public in Lebanon for promotion of goodwill. Ensure you too contribute to the growth of UN standards at all times, ” he opined.
He further appealed to the contingent to maintain highest levels of discipline and perform duties with dedication and commitment because they all are “ambassadors” for the country, and it would keep the Sri Lankan flag flying high, the Commander commented.
The 13th contingent of the Sri Lanka Force Protection Company in the United Nation Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) upon completion of their tenure is expected to return to Sri Lanka soon after the new 14th contingent takes over their duties on 2 March.
Major General C.D Weerasuriya RWP RSP ndu, Chief of Staff, Major General D.G.S Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, Deputy Chief of Staff, Senior Officers and Other Ranks participated in the event.