Do You Know about Stockholm syndrome?

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The word Stockholm reminds us of a famous capital city in Sweden. But this is not about the article on the city. But it reveals an important syndrome followed by an incident that occurred in the past psychologically world, known as ‘Stockholm syndrome’.

What is this Stockholm syndrome?

Simply it can define as a time an individual or group is captured by robbers or any similar group with the time the captives show gratitude towards the captors based on some sympathizing act by them.

History of Stockholm syndrome?

According to the American Psychological Association (APA)  dictionary of psychology, it came from the case of a woman who was held hostage in 1973 during a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden, and became so emotionally attached to one of the robbers that she broke her engagement to another man and remained faithful to her former captor during his prison term. [a term coined by Swedish psychiatrist and criminologist Nils Bejerot (1921–1988)].

How it comes with real life

Marital life

During marital life relations this can find as an example, abusive husband tortures his wife every day. But one day he treated her with love and gave her a diamond neckless. Afterward again he continued his abusive life .even its abusive, his wife still had a bond with him considering the well-treated behaviour of one day.


During sports, coaches are emotionally abusing their trainees to get the best outcome for them to achieve hard such times, the trainees sympathize with the effort of the coach to make them best by excusing his emotional abuses.


Ragging is another sort of abusive act that is found in universities. As an example, during ragging, some have to go through physical and mental punishments from seniors. On a rare occasion, a set of seniors are drooping their juniors at hostels after ragging. Then those juniors sympathize and emotionally bonded with them.

Sexual Abuses

There are some cases like a girl who is not having emotional or physical care from her family had affection for a continuously raped old man who is giving some money to learn and clothes. Then she sympathizes and emotionally bonded with the old man excusing this sexual abuse.

International relations

As nations, we can see many countries working together as regional and international corporations. When it comes Stockholm syndrome plays role in a scenario like, when the United Nations count votes for sanctions against a country called X country Y also voted favorably. But when COVID-19 affected Country Y volunteers gave some consignment of vaccines to Country X. Then Country X feels good about Country Y due to its simple act.

 When considered there are many occasions are there to explain. Meantime, especially must be mentioned all of those situations are includes the Stockholm syndromes patterns and many other factors which came from the nature and nurture of human beings.

How Stockholm syndrome can identify

Even though the Stockholm syndrome diagnosis criteria are not included in manuals, the following symptoms can be identified. Feels positive towards the captor, assisting with the captor’s actions and the rationale behind them. The person who victimized praised and shared the values of the captor. Little or no need to go away or escape. Having good trust in the captor, Sentiments of feeling sorry for towards the captors, indeed accepting that the captors are the sufferers themselves. They may have sentiments of needing to ‘save’ their abuser. Have negative sentiments towards their companions or family, who may attempt to protect them. Create negative sentiments towards the police, specialist figures, or anybody who could be trying to offer the assistance they get absent from their captor. Deny coordinating against their captors, such as amid the consequent examination or legitimate trials.

Meantime after being released from the captor individuals with Stockholm includes positive feelings toward captors and report denial, confusion, staying away from society, feeling guilt, anxiety, emptiness or hopelessness, lack of interest etc.

Meantime, individuals with Stockholm Syndrome may often complain of signs similar to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) like, flashbacks, nightmares, unreality feelings, irritability, lack of concentration, etc.

 How We Can Help Someone with Stockholm Syndrome

Meet a professional mental health partner

Listen without judgment – as the captive is considering everything that has happened to them, and they are attempting to prepare their encounters, listen and utilize reflection to appear your concern and consent.

Avoid polarization- during the discussions, don’t express any of the band things you know about the captor. Then captive will try to correct it times in an arguing way, and then they will not share real experiences with you.

Validate their truth – this must do with much care, the victims must validate the reality and explain what happened to them. Then how much this real value and its positive effects for all also must be explained systematically.

 Don’t go for advice: especially in such situations, don’t go to advise them for their cognitive changes. But if they’re asking for advice, yes, of course you can assist them. But need to keep reminding ourselves that cognitive developments and changes must be initiated on our own, then those will be highly successive.  

By Nisal Rukshan

Nisal Rukshan BSc (Hons) Psychology and Counselling
Sources books and internet