Some SJB MPs not averse to joining UNP – Hakeem

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Sri Lanka Muslim Congress Leader, MP Rauff Hakeem says that there are a group of MPs in the Samagi Jana Balavegaya who think they should join forces with the United National Party. The MP was speaking to the media in Kandy on Saturday.

He also said that considering the situation the country has fallen into, the responsibility of working together to uplift the country falls on all people’s political representatives

Hakeem also said that a group of MPs, had requested the Speaker, that parliament should take suitable action against the MP who was nabbed at the airport recently while trying to smuggle a stock of gold and mobile phones into the country.

He emphasized that all the MPs representing Parliament were embarrassed by this incident and that the need to implement the new Anti-corruption Act as soon as possible is evident. Hakeem said that it is not easy to build the country with a distorted parliamentary majority and appointing henchmen to the Commissions will not protect their independence.