Banana processing for export will start from Jan. 2024

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The construction of the third sour banana export processing centre in our country has been completed by now. The testing of the machinery of the sour banana processing center built in Kachchigalara area of Hambantota was conducted yesterday (15) under the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Plantation Industry Mahinda Amaraweera.

The Ministry of Agriculture has managed to establish three sour banana cultivation zones and processing centers for export in our country within a year.

The first of these has been established in Rajangana, the second in Jaffna and the third sour banana export processing center has been established in Kachchigalara area. These banana processing centers have been established under the financial allocation of the Agriculture Sector Modernization Project of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The amount spent by the project for the Kachchigal Ara Sour Banana Center is 60 million rupees.

So far, 800 acres in Rajangana, 400 acres in Jaffna and 1000 acres in Hambantota and Ambilipitiya zone have been cultivated with sour bananas. Up to 8000 acres of Hambantha zone have been identified as suitable for cultivation of sour bananas.

These centers process the sour bananas of this country, which are exported to the Dubai market under the name of Baby Banana, in accordance with international standards.

The Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Mahinda Amaraweera, who expressed his opinion, said that high-quality banana seedlings will be provided under the high-density cultivation system, as well as new technology, the application of minimum amount of fertilizers and the production of bananas will be aimed at export.