Ranjitham Gunaratnam: A Martyr and Revolutionary Leader of the JVP 1989

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Discover the life and legacy of Ranjitham Gunaratnam, a key figure in Sri Lanka’s JVP. Learn about his contributions, tragic assassination, and enduring impact on political activism.


Ranjitham Gunaratnam was a prominent figure in Sri Lanka’s turbulent political landscape during the 1980s. As a member of the Politburo of the People’s Liberation Front (JVP), Gunaratnam played a pivotal role in the party’s activities and its attempts to challenge the government. His assassination in 1989 marked a significant moment in Sri Lankan history, reflecting the intense political repression of that era. This article delves into the life, contributions, and enduring legacy of Ranjitham Gunaratnam, exploring his influence on the JVP and his lasting impact on Sri Lankan politics.

Early Life

Childhood and Education

Ranjitham Gunaratnam was born into a modest family, where he developed a keen interest in political and social issues from an early age. His educational journey began in local schools, where he excelled academically, demonstrating a sharp intellect and a passionate curiosity about the world around him.

University of Peradeniya

Gunaratnam’s academic prowess earned him a place at the prestigious University of Peradeniya, where he enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering. It was here that he began to engage more deeply with political activism, drawn to the dynamic and often contentious student politics of the time.

Initial Political Involvement

While at Peradeniya, Gunaratnam became involved in the Inter-University Students’ Federation (IUSF), quickly emerging as a leading voice in student activism. His involvement with the IUSF marked the beginning of his lifelong commitment to political change and social justice.

Political Career

Joining the JVP

Gunaratnam’s engagement with the IUSF naturally led him to the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), a Marxist-Leninist party dedicated to revolutionary change in Sri Lanka. The JVP, with its radical ideology and militant approach, resonated with Gunaratnam’s own beliefs and aspirations for the country.

Role in the IUSF

As a prominent member of the IUSF, Gunaratnam was instrumental in organizing student protests and articulating the demands of the student body. His leadership skills and unwavering commitment to the cause quickly gained him recognition within the JVP hierarchy.

Leadership in the Kurunegala District

Gunaratnam’s leadership abilities were soon recognized by the JVP’s central committee, and he was appointed as the party’s leader in the Kurunegala District. In this role, he oversaw numerous initiatives aimed at mobilizing support and expanding the party’s influence in the region.

Contributions to the JVP

Reforming and Reviving the JVP

In the aftermath of severe government repression in the late 1980s, the JVP faced significant challenges. Gunaratnam played a crucial role in the party’s efforts to regroup and redefine its strategy. His vision and determination were instrumental in reviving the JVP and steering it through one of its most difficult periods.

Key Initiatives and Movements

Gunaratnam spearheaded several key initiatives aimed at increasing the party’s outreach and effectiveness. These included organizing grassroots campaigns, enhancing communication strategies, and fostering stronger connections with various social groups.

Impact on JVP’s Strategy and Goals

Under Gunaratnam’s influence, the JVP adopted a more strategic and nuanced approach to its political activities. His efforts helped the party to rebuild its organizational structure and re-establish its presence as a formidable force in Sri Lankan politics.

Abduction and Assassination

Events Leading to His Abduction

In December 1989, during a period of intense political violence and state repression, Ranjitham Gunaratnam was abducted by government forces. This event was part of a broader crackdown on the JVP and its leadership, aimed at quelling the party’s revolutionary activities.

Details of His Detention and Torture

Following his abduction, Gunaratnam was detained and subjected to brutal torture by state forces. The details of his detention remain shrouded in secrecy, but it is known that he endured severe physical and psychological abuse during this period.

Circumstances of His Death

Gunaratnam’s detention culminated in his death at Wehera, Kurunegala. The exact circumstances of his death remain unclear, but it is widely believed that he was executed by state operatives, marking a tragic end to his life and political career.

JVP's Direction Post-1989
JVP’s Direction Post-1989


Influence on JVP’s Direction Post-1989

Despite his untimely death, Ranjitham Gunaratnam’s influence on the JVP endured. His ideas and strategies continued to shape the party’s direction in the years that followed, helping to sustain its relevance in the ever-changing political landscape of Sri Lanka.

Memorials and Tributes

Gunaratnam is remembered as a martyr and a hero by many within the JVP and beyond. Various memorials and tributes have been established in his honor, celebrating his contributions to the struggle for social justice and political change.

Ranjitham Gunaratnam’s Place in Sri Lankan History

Gunaratnam’s legacy extends beyond the JVP. He is regarded as a significant figure in Sri Lankan history, whose life and sacrifice symbolize the broader struggle for democracy and human rights in the country.

Contemporary Relevance

JVP’s Current Status and Ideology

Today, the JVP remains an active and influential political force in Sri Lanka. The party continues to advocate for many of the principles that Gunaratnam championed, reflecting his enduring impact on its ideology and objectives.

Lasting Impact of Gunaratnam’s Reforms

The reforms and strategies introduced by Gunaratnam have left a lasting imprint on the JVP. His vision for a more organized and strategic party continues to guide its activities and aspirations.

Modern Reflections on His Legacy

Modern reflections on Gunaratnam’s legacy often highlight his dedication, courage, and unwavering commitment to the cause of social justice. His life and work continue to inspire new generations of activists and political leaders.

Personal Anecdotes and Stories

Testimonials from Colleagues and Family

Colleagues and family members remember Gunaratnam as a passionate and principled individual. Their testimonials offer a glimpse into his character and the values that drove his political activism.

Personal Stories Highlighting His Character

Personal stories from those who knew him paint a picture of a man deeply committed to his ideals. These anecdotes highlight his generosity, leadership, and unwavering resolve in the face of adversity.

Accounts of His Dedication to the Cause

Gunaratnam’s dedication to the JVP’s cause is evident in the numerous accounts of his tireless work and sacrifices. These stories underscore the extent of his commitment to achieving political and social change.


Who was Ranjitham Gunaratnam?

Ranjitham Gunaratnam was a prominent member of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), known for his significant contributions to the party and his leadership in the Kurunegala District. He was abducted and killed by government forces in 1989.

What role did Gunaratnam play in the JVP?

Gunaratnam played several key roles within the JVP, including serving as a member of the Politburo and leading the party’s activities in the Kurunegala District. He was instrumental in reforming and reviving the party during a period of intense repression.

How did Gunaratnam contribute to the JVP’s reform?

Gunaratnam’s contributions to the JVP’s reform included organizing grassroots campaigns, enhancing communication strategies, and helping to rebuild the party’s organizational structure. His efforts were crucial in sustaining the party’s relevance and effectiveness.

What were the circumstances of Gunaratnam’s abduction?

Gunaratnam was abducted by government forces in December 1989, during a period of political violence and state repression. He was detained, tortured, and ultimately killed, marking a tragic end to his life and political career.

How is Gunaratnam remembered today?

Ranjitham Gunaratnam is remembered as a martyr and a hero by many within the JVP and beyond. His contributions to the struggle for social justice and political change are celebrated through various memorials and tributes, and his legacy continues to inspire new generations.