Wenura Edirisinghe: 1 Inspiring Story of a Student Hero

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Discover the remarkable journey of  Wenura Edirisinghe, a student who overcame adversity with courage and determination. Follow his inspiring story of academic excellence and social activism.


Once upon a time in a rural area near Anamaduwa, there lived a child named Wenura. His father was a “Sinhala Wedamahaththaya” (a traditional healer), and his mother was a housewife. They lived modestly, relying on their cultivation of paddy, mung beans, peas, cassava, sweet potatoes, and other crops. Despite the area’s lack of infrastructure, including proper roads, transportation, electricity, markets, hospitals, and schools, Wenura and his friends enjoyed a carefree childhood.

 Wenura Edirisinghe :Early Life and Education

Childhood Adventures

Wenura Edirisinghe’s early life was filled with adventures. He and his friends walked over six kilometers to school, traversing wild areas with thorny bushes. They played in the wilderness, enjoying the fruits they found along the way, such as mangoes, cashews, guavas, jackfruits, tamarinds, and oranges. Despite the dangers posed by wild animals like elephants, wild boars, and snakes, they remained happy and carefree.

 Wenura Edirisinghe:Academic Potential

Wenura Edirisinghe was a clever student, loved by his teacher, the only one at their small village school. Noticing his potential, the teacher suggested that Wenura be prepared for the year 5 scholarship exam. However, Wenura’s parents could not afford a better school, and Wenura refused to leave his friends and village.

Wenura Edirisinghe profile
Wenura Edirisinghe profile

Family Crisis and Change

Mother’s Illness

One evening, Wenura’s mother suffered a severe chest pain. With his father away, Wenura could only scream for help. Villagers came to assist and decided to take his mother to Anamaduwa Hospital, 20 kilometers away. The journey was arduous, and upon arrival, they found no doctor available. The next day, she was transferred to Negombo Base Hospital for further treatment.

Relocation to Negombo

Wenura Edirisinghe’s teacher arranged for him to attend a school in Negombo while his mother was hospitalized. Though his mother eventually recovered, Wenura was deeply affected by the experience. Despite these challenges, he prepared diligently for the year 5 scholarship exam and passed with flying colors, enrolling in a leading central college in Madampe.

Academic Excellence

High School Success

Wenura Edirisinghe’s academic journey continued with remarkable success. He consistently scored top marks in his exams, eventually securing admission to the prestigious Royal College in Colombo. There, he distinguished himself further, becoming the island’s top student in the A/L Science stream, a record for the school.

Transition to Colombo

In Colombo, Wenura noticed the stark differences between rural and urban life. He was disturbed by the disparity in opportunities and the neglect of poor villagers. These observations fueled his determination to excel and advocate for the underprivileged.

 Wenura Edirisinghe :Higher Education and Activism

University Life

Wenura Edirisinghe enrolled in the Medical Faculty of Colombo University, where he continued to excel academically. However, the political climate of the time was tumultuous. The government was pursuing policies that disadvantaged the poor and privatized public properties. This led to widespread protests, which Wenura participated in actively.

Influence of Thrima Vithana

At university, Wenura met Thrima Vithana, the convener of the Interuniversity Student Federation (IUSF). Thrima was a highly talented and motivated medical student who inspired Wenura with his dedication to social justice. Despite the dangers, Thrima led protests against the government’s policies, advocating for the protection of free education.

Social and Political Engagement

Student Protests

Wenura Edirisinghe joined Thrima in organizing and participating in student protests. He began speaking at meetings, sharing his experiences and advocating for the rights of the rural poor. His eloquence and sincerity won him many supporters among the students.

Government Repression

The political environment was harsh, with the government using violence to suppress dissent. Many student leaders were killed, but Wenura and his peers remained steadfast. They faced constant threats, but their commitment to justice and equality drove them forward.

Personal Growth and Legacy

Academic Achievements

Wenura Edirisinghe’s dedication to his studies and activism paid off. He graduated with top honors and was awarded by the President of Sri Lanka for his academic achievements. His success brought immense pride to his parents and his village.

Continued Advocacy

Despite his academic commitments, Wenura remained actively involved in social justice causes. He believed in using his education to make a difference and continued to advocate for the rights of the underprivileged.


Wenura Edirisinghe’s journey from a rural village to academic excellence and social activism is a testament to his determination and resilience. His story highlights the disparities between urban and rural areas and underscores the importance of fighting for justice and equality. Wenura’s legacy is one of inspiration, showing that with dedication and courage, one can overcome immense challenges and make a significant impact on society.