Plans for 250 New Bridges to Boost Rural Connectivity

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Sri Lanka is embarking on an ambitious journey to further enhance its rural infrastructure with the construction of 250 new bridges. This initiative, announced by President Ranil Wickremesinghe, aims to significantly boost road connectivity, particularly benefiting rural communities. The project builds on the successful completion of 750 bridges over the past decade, underscoring the government’s commitment to improving the lives of its citizens through better infrastructure.

Background of the Bridge Project

The bridge construction project in Sri Lanka began with the goal of improving rural connectivity and fostering national development. Initiated in collaboration with Janson Bridging International, a Netherlands-based company, the project has seen remarkable progress. From 2014 to 2024, 750 bridges were successfully built, transforming the accessibility and mobility of numerous rural areas across the island.

Completion of 750 Bridges

The completion of these 750 bridges marks a significant milestone in Sri Lanka’s infrastructure development. These bridges have played a crucial role in connecting remote villages to main roads, enabling easier access to markets, schools, and healthcare facilities. The enhanced connectivity has not only improved daily commutes but also stimulated economic activities in these regions.

Announcement of 250 New Bridges

In a celebration held in Colombo, President Ranil Wickremesinghe announced plans to construct an additional 250 bridges. This new phase of the project aims to extend the benefits of enhanced connectivity to even more rural communities. By expanding the network of bridges, the government seeks to maximize the positive impacts of national development projects.

Government’s Commitment to Rural Development

President Wickremesinghe emphasized the government’s dedication to improving living conditions in rural areas. The new bridge project is part of a broader strategy to reduce multidimensional poverty, which includes access to essential services and economic opportunities. By focusing on infrastructure development, the government aims to ensure that the benefits of economic growth reach the most disadvantaged segments of society.

Economic Benefits of Enhanced Connectivity

The economic implications of improved connectivity are profound. The new bridges will facilitate the smoother transportation of goods, linking local producers to larger markets. This ease of movement is expected to boost local economies, increase trade opportunities, and attract investment into rural areas. The bridges will act as vital arteries, fueling economic vitality and growth.

Social Benefits of the Bridge Projects

Beyond economics, the bridges have significant social benefits. They provide rural communities with better access to education, healthcare, and other essential services. Children can reach schools more easily, and patients can access medical care without the burden of difficult travel. These improvements enhance the overall quality of life for residents in connected areas.

Partnership with the Netherlands

The collaboration with the Netherlands has been instrumental in the success of the bridge construction project. Netherlands Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Bonnie Horbach, highlighted the importance of this partnership during the celebration. The Netherlands’ support has been crucial, providing both technical expertise and financial assistance, ensuring the project’s smooth execution.

Celebration Event Highlights

The event celebrating the completion of 750 bridges was marked by the presentation of a commemorative plaque to President Wickremesinghe and Ambassador Horbach. This plaque symbolizes the decade-long partnership and the collective efforts in enhancing Sri Lanka’s infrastructure. The event saw the participation of several dignitaries, including government officials and representatives from Janson Bridging International.

Challenges in Bridge Construction

Constructing 750 bridges in remote and challenging terrains was no small feat. The project faced numerous logistical hurdles, from transporting materials to remote locations to dealing with adverse weather conditions. Despite these challenges, the successful completion of the bridges is a testament to the determination and collaboration of all parties involved.

Future Prospects and Plans

Looking ahead, the vision is to complete a total of 1000 bridges, significantly bolstering Sri Lanka’s rural infrastructure. This ambitious goal reflects the government’s long-term commitment to rural development. The future plans also include continuous monitoring and maintenance of the bridges to ensure their longevity and effectiveness.

Response to Natural Disasters

In the wake of recent natural disasters, the government has committed to rebuilding and providing relief to affected communities. President Wickremesinghe assured that all necessary funds would be allocated to repair and reconstruct damaged infrastructure. This proactive approach highlights the government’s dedication to safeguarding the welfare of its citizens.

President Wickremesinghe’s Leadership

President Wickremesinghe’s leadership has been pivotal in navigating Sri Lanka through economic crises and making strategic investment decisions. His vision for infrastructure development and rural upliftment has been instrumental in driving these projects forward, ensuring they meet their objectives and deliver tangible benefits.

Community and Cultural Impact

The bridge projects have also had a cultural impact, fostering a sense of unity and national pride. The return of Lewke Disawe’s artwork, as mentioned by the President, symbolizes the blending of cultural heritage with modern development. These initiatives collectively contribute to building a cohesive and progressive society.


The plan to construct 250 new bridges is a bold step towards enhancing rural connectivity and development in Sri Lanka. Building on the success of the initial 750 bridges, this initiative promises to bring about significant economic and social benefits. The collaborative efforts with the Netherlands and the government’s unwavering commitment to rural upliftment paint a promising picture for the future of Sri Lanka’s rural communities.


  1. What is the purpose of the new bridges?
    • The new bridges aim to improve rural connectivity, facilitating access to essential services and boosting local economies.
  2. How will the new bridges impact local economies?
    • They will enhance the transportation of goods, link producers to markets, and attract investments, thereby stimulating economic growth.
  3. What challenges were faced in the construction of the initial 750 bridges?
    • Challenges included difficult terrains, remote locations, and adverse weather conditions, which required strategic planning and execution.
  4. How is the Netherlands involved in this project?
    • The Netherlands, through Janson Bridging International, has provided technical expertise and financial support, ensuring the project’s success.
  5. What measures are being taken to address disaster-related issues?
    • The government is committed to rebuilding damaged infrastructure and providing necessary funds for disaster relief and reconstruction efforts.