Sri Lankan Muslims to Celebrate Hajj Festival on June 17, 2024

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Muslims in Sri Lanka will celebrate the sacred festival of Eid ul Azha, also known as the Hajj Festival, on Monday, June 17, 2024. This significant decision was reached during a pivotal meeting held at the Colombo Grand Mosque. The conference was attended by esteemed figures such as Ash Sheik M. I. M. Rizvi Mufthi, President of the All Ceylon Jammiyyathul Ulema (the Supreme Council of Muslim Theologians of Sri Lanka), Colombo Grand Mosque President Thahir Razeen, and Ash Sheik M.M.M. Mufthi, the Religious Development Officer from the Department of Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs.

Importance of Eid ul Azha in Islam

Eid ul Azha, also known as the Festival of Sacrifice, holds profound significance for Muslims worldwide. This festival commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God. In honor of this ultimate act of faith, Muslims perform the ritual sacrifice of an animal, typically a sheep, goat, or cow, and distribute the meat among family, friends, and the less fortunate. This act symbolizes devotion, charity, and community spirit.

Celebrations in Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, the celebration of Eid ul Azha is marked by communal prayers, festive meals, and charitable activities. The faithful gather at mosques for the special Eid prayer, followed by the ritual sacrifice known as Qurbani. The meat from the sacrificed animals is distributed in three parts: one-third for the family, one-third for friends and neighbors, and one-third for those in need. This practice ensures that the joy of the festival is shared among all, especially the underprivileged.

The Role of the All Ceylon Jammiyyathul Ulema

The All Ceylon Jammiyyathul Ulema (ACJU) plays a crucial role in guiding the Muslim community in Sri Lanka. As the highest body of Muslim theologians in the country, the ACJU provides religious guidance, promotes Islamic education, and ensures the proper observance of Islamic rituals and festivals. The involvement of its president, Ash Sheik M. I. M. Rizvi Mufthi, in the decision-making process underscores the importance of a unified celebration of Eid ul Azha.

The Colombo Grand Mosque

The Colombo Grand Mosque is a central institution in the Muslim community of Sri Lanka. It serves as a hub for religious activities, community gatherings, and educational programs. The mosque’s president, Thahir Razeen, along with other key leaders, ensures that significant decisions, such as the celebration of Eid ul Azha, are made with the consensus and welfare of the community in mind.

The Department of Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs

The Department of Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs in Sri Lanka oversees the religious and cultural needs of the Muslim community. Its Religious Development Officer, Ash Sheik M.M.M. Mufthi, plays a vital role in coordinating religious activities and fostering cultural heritage. The department’s involvement in the decision to celebrate Eid ul Azha on June 17 highlights its commitment to supporting and enriching the Muslim cultural and religious landscape in Sri Lanka.

Preparing for the Festival

As the date for Eid ul Azha approaches, preparations are underway across Sri Lanka. Families are making arrangements for the Qurbani, purchasing animals for sacrifice, and planning communal gatherings. Mosques are preparing for the influx of worshippers for the special Eid prayers, and charitable organizations are gearing up to ensure that the spirit of giving and sharing reaches the most vulnerable members of the community.


The announcement of Eid ul Azha celebrations on June 17, 2024, by key religious leaders and institutions in Sri Lanka reflects the unity and devotion of the Muslim community. This festival not only commemorates an essential religious event but also reinforces the values of sacrifice, charity, and community. As Muslims in Sri Lanka prepare to observe this holy festival, the shared commitment to faith and communal harmony shines brightly, fostering a spirit of togetherness and compassion.