Sri Lanka’s Presidential Election 2024: Key Dates, Candidates, and US Response

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The Election Commission of Sri Lanka has officially unveiled the timeline for the much-anticipated 2024 Presidential Election. This announcement marks a critical juncture for Sri Lanka as it seeks to navigate its post-crisis recovery and determine its future leadership. The key dates are set, and the stakes are high, with candidates preparing for what promises to be a fiercely contested race. Here’s a detailed look at the Presidential election schedule, the leading candidates, and the implications of this pivotal event.


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Presidential Election Timeline and Key Dates

Starting today, July 26, 2024, at 8:30 AM, candidates can begin depositing their election bonds. The deadline for this process is noon on August 14, 2024. Candidates nominated by recognized political parties will need to deposit Rs. 50,000, while those from other parties or individual electors must deposit Rs. 75,000. This financial commitment is a prerequisite for official nomination.

The nomination day is scheduled for August 15, 2024, and the Presidential election itself will take place on September 21, 2024. The Gazette notification from the Election Commission also outlines that the current President’s term will end on November 17, 2024. According to Article 31 (3) of the Sri Lankan Constitution, the presidential election must be held between one and two months before the expiration of the current President’s term.

The nomination process will be conducted at the Election Commission office in Rajagiriya, where candidates will officially enter the race. This will be a crucial moment as parties and independent candidates finalize their campaigns and prepare for the rigorous Presidential election period.

US Welcomes Sri Lanka’s Presidential Election Announcement

US Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Julie Chung, has expressed strong support for the Election Commission’s announcement regarding the presidential election. In a statement on ‘X,’ Ambassador Chung highlighted the significance of the election as a testament to Sri Lanka’s enduring commitment to democratic principles. Her comments reflect international recognition of Sri Lanka’s efforts to uphold democratic processes amid ongoing challenges.

“We welcome the Election Commission’s announcement of September 21 for the presidential election,” said Ambassador Chung. “This decision reaffirms Sri Lanka’s longstanding dedication to democracy. We look forward to a transparent and fair election that empowers Sri Lankan citizens to shape their future.”

This positive response from the US underscores the importance of the upcoming Presidential election and its implications for Sri Lanka’s political and economic stability. The international community is closely watching how the election will unfold and how it will impact Sri Lanka’s relations with global partners.

The Contenders for Sri Lanka’s Presidency

As the election approaches, attention is centered on the leading candidates vying for the presidency. Each candidate brings a unique set of qualifications, political experience, and policy proposals to the table. Here’s a closer look at the top contenders:

Ranil Wickremesinghe: The current President, Ranil Wickremesinghe, is a seasoned politician with a long track record in Sri Lankan politics. Having served as Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, and briefly as President, Wickremesinghe has been a central figure in the country’s political landscape. His administration has been marked by efforts to stabilize the country following the economic crisis of 2022. Despite his experience, his tenure has faced criticism, particularly regarding his austerity measures and close associations with the previous Rajapaksa regime. These issues have fueled debates about his suitability for another term.

Sajith Premadasa: Sajith Premadasa, the leader of the Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB), represents a significant challenge to Wickremesinghe. Premadasa, who has been active in politics for over two decades, has positioned himself as a reformist alternative to the current administration. His campaign emphasizes continuing economic reforms while addressing their adverse effects on the public. Premadasa’s proposals include reducing tax increases and providing greater financial relief to citizens. However, his leadership style and political background are under scrutiny, with some critics questioning his ability to effect meaningful change.

Anura Kumara Dissanayake: Anura Kumara Dissanayake, the leader of the National People’s Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP), offers a distinct perspective with his leftist and anti-privatization stance. Dissanayake’s platform focuses on addressing systemic governance issues and advocating for a more equitable economic model. His approach has resonated with voters who are disillusioned with the current political and economic status quo. However, the practicality of his proposed solutions and the NPP’s ability to implement them are points of contention among analysts and voters alike.

Election Chief’s Statement

R.M.A.L. Rathnayake, Chairman of the Election Commission, has provided clarity on the election process in a recent statement. He confirmed that the 2024 Presidential Election proclamation would be sent to the Department of Government Printing tomorrow. Rathnayake assured that the Commission is operating in accordance with constitutional and legal requirements, despite various criticisms and allegations of political influence.

The Chairman also addressed concerns about the absence of an Inspector General of Police (IGP), stating that an Acting IGP or relevant official will be appointed as needed. Rathnayake emphasized that the Election Commission is working closely with the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) in charge of election activities to ensure a smooth electoral process.

These statements aim to reassure the public and candidates about the integrity and transparency of the election process. The Commission’s commitment to following due procedures is crucial for maintaining public trust and confidence in the electoral system.

Sri Lanka’s First Presidential Vote Since Economic Crisis

The 2024 Presidential Election will be the first since the severe economic crisis of 2022, which triggered widespread unrest and significant shortages of essential goods. This Presidential election is a critical test of public sentiment and a chance for voters to influence the direction of the country’s recovery.

Economic Recovery and Challenges: The 2022 crisis, marked by severe shortages of food, fuel, and medicine, led to mass protests and the resignation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Wickremesinghe’s administration has since focused on economic recovery, negotiating a bailout package with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and implementing austerity measures. While inflation has decreased and the government has restructured foreign debt, many Sri Lankans continue to struggle with the economic impacts of these policies. The upcoming Presidential election will likely revolve around economic issues and the effectiveness of the current administration’s recovery efforts.

Opposition Criticisms: Opposition candidates Premadasa and Dissanayake have criticized the government’s approach, promising to address economic challenges in alternative ways. Their campaigns are expected to focus on revising the IMF bailout terms, reducing the burden of austerity measures, and implementing policies aimed at more equitable economic recovery.


As Sri Lanka prepares for its 2024 Presidential Election, the nation faces a pivotal moment in its political history. The Presidential election will determine not only the country’s leadership but also its approach to economic recovery and governance. With a range of candidates offering different visions for the future, voters will have the opportunity to shape the direction of Sri Lanka’s post-crisis recovery.

The international community is watching closely, and the response from figures like US Ambassador Julie Chung highlights the global significance of the election. As the candidates campaign and the Presidential election date approaches, Sri Lanka’s political landscape is set for a dramatic and impactful transformation.


FAQs for Sri Lanka’s Presidential Election 2024

Q1: When is the 2024 Presidential Election in Sri Lanka scheduled?

A1: The 2024 Presidential Election in Sri Lanka is scheduled for September 21, 2024.

Q2: What are the key dates for candidate nominations and bond deposits?

A2: Candidates can deposit their election bonds starting July 26, 2024, until noon on August 14, 2024. The nomination day is set for August 15, 2024.

Q3: What is the required bond deposit for candidates?

A3: Candidates nominated by recognized political parties must deposit Rs. 50,000, while those from other parties or individual electors must deposit Rs. 75,000.

Q4: When does the current President’s term end?

A4: The current President’s term ends on November 17, 2024.

Q5: What does Article 31 (3) of the Sri Lankan Constitution state regarding the presidential election?

A5: Article 31 (3) of the Sri Lankan Constitution mandates that the presidential election must be held between one and two months before the expiration of the current President’s term.

Q6: How has the US responded to Sri Lanka’s election announcement?

A6: The US, represented by Ambassador Julie Chung, has welcomed Sri Lanka’s election announcement, highlighting it as a reaffirmation of the country’s dedication to democracy.

Q7: Who are the leading candidates for the 2024 Presidential Election in Sri Lanka?

A7: The leading candidates are Ranil Wickremesinghe, Sajith Premadasa, and Anura Kumara Dissanayake.

Q8: What are the main policy focuses of Ranil Wickremesinghe?

A8: Ranil Wickremesinghe’s administration has focused on stabilizing the country post-economic crisis, negotiating an IMF bailout package, and implementing austerity measures.

Q9: What are Sajith Premadasa’s main campaign promises?

A9: Sajith Premadasa promises to continue economic reforms while addressing their adverse effects, reduce tax increases, and provide greater financial relief to citizens.

Q10: What is Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s political stance?

A10: Anura Kumara Dissanayake advocates for a leftist, anti-privatization platform, focusing on systemic governance issues and a more equitable economic model.

Q11: What has the Election Commission Chairman said about the election process?

A11: R.M.A.L. Rathnayake, Chairman of the Election Commission, assured that the Commission is adhering to constitutional and legal requirements and is committed to a transparent election process.

Q12: How is the Election Commission addressing the absence of an Inspector General of Police?

A12: The Election Commission plans to appoint an Acting IGP or relevant official as needed, working closely with the Deputy Inspector General in charge of election activities.

Q13: Why is the 2024 Presidential Election significant for Sri Lanka?

A13: The 2024 Presidential Election is significant as it is the first since the 2022 economic crisis, marking a crucial moment for public sentiment and the country’s recovery trajectory.

Q14: What were the main causes of the 2022 economic crisis in Sri Lanka?

A14: The 2022 economic crisis in Sri Lanka was caused by severe shortages of food, fuel, and medicine, leading to mass protests and the resignation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

Q15: How have opposition candidates criticized the current administration’s economic policies?

A15: Opposition candidates Premadasa and Dissanayake have criticized the current administration’s IMF bailout terms and austerity measures, promising to implement more equitable economic recovery policies.