39 Candidates Compete in 2024 Sri Lanka Presidential Election: What You Need to Know

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Explore the 39 candidates competing in Sri Lanka’s 2024 Presidential Election. Learn about their backgrounds, platforms, and the issues shaping this crucial vote.

1. Introduction

The upcoming 2024 Presidential Election in Sri Lanka stands as a defining moment in the nation’s democratic journey. With an impressive slate of 39 candidates, this election represents a crossroads where the future direction of Sri Lanka will be decided. This article provides a detailed exploration of the candidates, the significance of the election, and the broader implications for the country’s political landscape.

2. The Significance of the 2024 Election

Historical Context

The 2024 election is occurring at a critical time for Sri Lanka. The nation has faced numerous challenges, including economic difficulties, social unrest, and governance issues. The outcome of this election will likely determine how these issues are addressed in the years to come.

What’s at Stake

With 39 candidates representing a wide array of political ideologies and visions for the future, the stakes are incredibly high. The election could result in a significant shift in the country’s political and economic direction, depending on who is elected.

Other articles published on our website about the 2024 Sri Lankan Presidential Election

3. Overview of the 39 Candidates

Breakdown by Political Affiliation

The 39 candidates include 22 from recognized political parties, 1 from other parties, and 16 independent candidates. This diverse lineup underscores the wide range of choices available to the electorate.

Notable Candidates

Among the candidates are prominent figures such as Dilith Jayaweeera, ASP Liyanage, Sarath Fonseka, Nuwan Bopage, Oshala Herath, Janaka Ratnayake, Siripala Amarasinghe, Ariyanenthiran, Namal Rajapaksa, Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, Sajith Premadasa, Ranil Wickremesinghe, and Anura Kumara Dissanayake. Each of these candidates brings a unique perspective and platform to the race.

4. Key Political Parties and Their Candidates

Major Parties Involved

The major political parties in Sri Lanka, such as the United National Party (UNP), the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP), and the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB), have all put forward strong candidates, aiming to sway the electorate with their respective platforms.

Their Candidate Strategies

Each party has developed distinct campaign strategies to appeal to voters, focusing on issues like economic reform, national security, and social justice. These strategies are crucial in shaping the election’s outcome.

5. Independent Candidates

Importance of Independent Voices

Independent candidates play a vital role in this election, providing alternatives to the established political parties. They often focus on grassroots issues and represent a broad spectrum of the electorate.

Key Independent Candidates

Among the 16 independent candidates, figures such as Oshala Herath and Siripala Amarasinghe stand out for their unique platforms and appeal to specific voter demographics.

6. The Role of Smaller Political Parties

Other Parties Involved

Apart from the major political parties, several smaller parties have also fielded candidates. These parties, while less influential on the national stage, can play a pivotal role in shaping the election’s outcome, especially in a race with so many candidates.

Their Influence on the Election

The influence of these smaller parties lies in their ability to sway the vote in tightly contested areas. Their candidates often address niche issues that resonate with specific segments of the population.

7. The Objections and Their Outcomes

Details of the Objections

During the nomination process, the Election Commission received three objections. One was filed by Battaramulla Seelarathana Thera without targeting any specific candidate, while two objections were aimed at the former Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL), Janaka Ratnayake.

Election Commission’s Decision

After careful consideration, the Election Commission unanimously decided to reject these objections, allowing all 39 candidates to proceed in the election.

8. The Election Process

Nomination Process

The nomination process for the 2024 Presidential Election was meticulously organized, with all 39 candidates submitting their nominations between 09:00 am and 11:00 am on the designated day. The process was overseen by the Election Commission to ensure transparency and fairness.


Following the acceptance of nominations, the candidates have begun their campaigns, focusing on key issues that resonate with the electorate. Campaign strategies vary, with some candidates focusing on mass rallies, while others opt for more targeted, grassroots approaches.


The election is scheduled for September 21, 2024. The voting process will be closely monitored to ensure a free and fair election, with measures in place to prevent any irregularities.

9. Public Perception and Opinion Polls

Voter Sentiment

Public sentiment leading up to the election is mixed, with many voters expressing frustration over the current state of affairs in the country. However, there is also a sense of optimism that the election could bring about much-needed change.

Poll Results

Opinion polls indicate a tight race, with no clear frontrunner emerging at this stage. The large number of candidates adds to the uncertainty, as votes are likely to be spread across a wide spectrum.

Media Coverage

The election has garnered extensive media coverage, both domestically and internationally. Media outlets are closely following the campaigns, providing analysis and insights into the candidates’ strategies and public reception.

10. Key Issues Shaping the Election


The state of the economy is perhaps the most significant issue in this election. Candidates are offering various solutions to address economic challenges, from fiscal reforms to job creation initiatives.

National Security

National security remains a top priority for many voters, especially given the country’s recent history of conflict. Candidates are focusing on how to maintain stability while addressing internal and external threats.

Social Issues

Social issues, including healthcare, education, and inequality, are also central to the election discourse. Candidates are presenting their plans to improve social services and address disparities in the country.

11. Campaign Strategies and Themes

Major Campaign Themes

The major themes in this election include economic recovery, national unity, and governance reform. Candidates are tailoring their messages to address these critical issues, hoping to connect with voters on a personal level.

Strategies of Leading Candidates

Leading candidates are employing a variety of campaign strategies, from traditional rallies and advertisements to more modern approaches like social media outreach. These strategies are designed to maximize their reach and impact.

12. Potential Impact of the Election

Long-Term Implications

The long-term implications of this election could be profound, influencing the direction of Sri Lanka’s political, economic, and social development for years to come. The new president will have the opportunity to enact significant reforms and shape the country’s future.

Changes in Political Landscape

The election could also lead to a reshaping of the political landscape, with new alliances forming and old ones dissolving. This could result in a more fragmented or, conversely, a more unified political scene, depending on the election’s outcome.

13. Predictions and Possible Outcomes

Election Forecasts

While it’s difficult to predict the exact outcome, analysts are considering various scenarios, from a decisive victory for one candidate to a more fragmented result that could lead to a runoff or coalition government.

Possible Election Scenarios

One possible scenario is a clear win by a major party candidate, which could lead to a strong mandate for governance. Another scenario is a closely contested election, resulting in a coalition government or a protracted period of political negotiation.

14. Lessons from Previous Elections

Comparison with Past Elections

Comparing the 2024 election with previous ones, it is evident that this election is unique in terms of the number of candidates and the issues at stake. Lessons from past elections, such as the importance of voter turnout and the impact of campaign strategies, will be critical in determining the outcome.

Lessons Learned

One of the key lessons from past elections is the need for candidates to connect with voters on a personal level. Effective communication and a clear, compelling message can make a significant difference in a crowded field.

15. Expert Opinions and Insights

Expert Analysis

Political analysts have noted that the 2024 election is likely to be a turning point for Sri Lanka. The large number of candidates and the diverse range of issues being addressed suggest that the election could lead to significant changes in the country’s governance.

Historical Comparisons

Historically, Sri Lankan presidential elections have been closely contested, often reflecting deep-seated divisions within the electorate. The 2024 election is expected to follow this pattern, with a high level of voter engagement and participation.

16. Future Trends in Sri Lankan Politics

Emerging Political Trends

The 2024 election could set the stage for new political trends in Sri Lanka, including the rise of independent candidates and the increasing importance of social media in campaigns. These trends may reshape the political landscape in the coming years.

The Future of Governance

Depending on the election’s outcome, Sri Lanka could see significant changes in governance, with new policies and reforms being implemented to address the country’s challenges. The future of governance in Sri Lanka will depend on the ability of the next president to unite the nation and implement effective policies.

17. Conclusion

The 2024 Presidential Election in Sri Lanka is shaping up to be one of the most significant in the country’s history. With 39 candidates, including representatives from major political parties, smaller parties, and independent candidates, the election presents voters with a broad spectrum of choices. The outcome will have far-reaching implications for Sri Lanka’s future, affecting everything from economic policy to national security. As the nation heads to the polls on September 21, 2024, the eyes of the world will be on Sri Lanka, watching to see how this crucial election unfolds.