The Ongoing Ordeal of the X-Press Pearl Captain Trapped in Sri Lanka for Over Three Years

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The dramatic story of the X-Press Pearl fire made international headlines in May 2021, but what’s lesser-known is the ongoing plight of its captain, Vitaly Tyutkalo. For over three years, Captain Vitaly has been unable to return home to Russia, trapped in Sri Lanka by an ongoing legal battle. His story is one of a professional seafarer caught in a web of legal proceedings, far from his family, and with an uncertain future.

A Tragic End for a New Ship

The X-Press Pearl: A New Beginning and a Sudden End

The X-Press Pearl was a brand-new vessel, having only been delivered from China in early 2021. Captain Vitaly Tyutkalo, an experienced seaman with a career spanning years, was the second Master of the ship, taking over from a Chinese crew that had delivered the ship due to COVID-19 restrictions.

The ship, in pristine condition, represented a new chapter for Captain Vitaly and his crew. However, this chapter was short-lived. Just a few months into its service, the X-Press Pearl would meet a devastating end.

The Final Voyage: A Dangerous Cargo

The final voyage of the X-Press Pearl began at the port of Jebel Ali, where it was loaded with a container carrying nitric acid—a dangerous cargo that was properly identified and stowed. The ship continued to Hamad Port in Qatar, where a leak was discovered from the container. Captain Vitaly, following protocol, attempted to manage the situation by washing the leak overboard using the ship’s hoses.

However, the efforts to mitigate the leak were hindered by orders to stop washing overboard due to environmental concerns, and subsequent requests to offload the leaking container were denied by multiple ports due to a lack of storage facilities. With no choice, the ship continued its journey to Colombo, Sri Lanka, where the situation took a turn for the worse.

The Fire That Sealed the X-Press Pearl’s Fate

Arrival in Colombo: A Desperate Situation

Upon arrival at Colombo on May 19, 2021, the leaking container emitted orange fumes—an indication of a chemical reaction between nitric acid and air. Despite requests to bring the vessel into port to offload the dangerous container, these were denied. The refusal to allow the ship into port was a crucial factor in the events that followed.

On May 20, Sri Lankan Navy personnel boarded the X-Press Pearl to inspect the vessel. That evening, flames were observed emanating from the container, and temperatures on board began to rise, signaling the start of a fire that would ultimately destroy the ship.

The Struggle to Save the X-Press Pearl

Captain Vitaly, aware of the imminent danger, requested firefighting assistance and a berth to bring the ship into port, but his pleas were again refused. Instead, a tugboat with firefighting capabilities was dispatched, and specialized firefighting personnel were flown in from the Netherlands. However, by the time they arrived, all of the ship’s firefighting equipment had been exhausted.

The crew was left with no choice but to fight the fire using seawater, which is not suitable for combating chemical fires. After five days of intense battle with the flames, an explosion ripped through the ship, leading to the decision to abandon it.

Abandoning Ship: A Dangerous Rescue

The explosion occurred early in the morning on May 25, 2021, and was so severe that the crew was unable to reach the lifeboat due to thick smoke and deteriorating conditions. In a desperate attempt to save themselves, the crew considered using a pilot ladder, but the rough weather made this impossible. Fortunately, a nearby tugboat managed to come alongside the X-Press Pearl, and the crew jumped to safety, although two members sustained injuries during the rescue.

The ship, now fully ablaze, was towed away from the coast and sank on June 2, 2021, after 12 days of burning. The crew, though alive, were left in distress and faced an uncertain future in Sri Lanka.

Legal Battles and the Injustice Faced by Captain Vitaly

Arrest and Charges: A Long Legal Battle Begins

When Captain Vitaly and his crew were brought ashore, they were not greeted as heroes but as criminals. The captain was arrested and first appeared in Sri Lanka’s High Court on June 14, 2021. Despite being held without charge for several months, he was formally charged in November 2021.

Captain Vitaly faces two significant charges: one under the Prevention of Marine Pollution Act of 2008 for releasing a pollutant into Sri Lankan waters, and another under Section 26 of the Marine Environmental Protection Act for criminal negligence. The latter charge also carries a travel ban, effectively trapping him in Sri Lanka until the legal process is completed.

A Court Case That Drags On

In March 2024, Captain Vitaly was finally asked to plead to the charges, to which he responded with a firm “not guilty.” However, the court proceedings have been slow, with the most recent hearings in June and August 2024 focusing on a digital forensic audit related to the case. The court granted the prosecution more time to complete their investigations, further prolonging Captain Vitaly’s ordeal.

With the next court date set for December 2024, it seems unlikely that Captain Vitaly will be able to leave Sri Lanka before 2025—more than three and a half years after the incident.

Stranded in a Foreign Land: The Personal Toll

Life in Sri Lanka: Freedom with Restrictions

While Captain Vitaly is not imprisoned, his life in Sri Lanka is far from normal. His employer, X-Press Feeders, has provided him with accommodation and a car, allowing him to move freely within the country. However, the inability to return home has taken a significant emotional toll on him.

Missing Important Life Events

Being stuck in Sri Lanka has meant missing out on critical family events. Captain Vitaly missed his eldest daughter’s wedding and was unable to attend his younger daughter’s high school graduation. Despite being able to visit Sri Lanka, his family remains far away, and the uncertainty of his situation weighs heavily on him.

Support from His Employer

Throughout his ordeal, Captain Vitaly has received unwavering support from X-Press Feeders. The company has continued to pay his salary, provided legal assistance, and ensured his living conditions are as comfortable as possible under the circumstances. However, even with this support, the slow pace of the legal process and the uncertainty of when he might return home are sources of immense stress.

Health Struggles and Resilience

The stress of being stranded in a foreign country, coupled with the ongoing legal battles, has taken a toll on Captain Vitaly’s health. He suffered a heart attack while staying in a hotel and remains on medication. Yet, despite these challenges, Captain Vitaly remains remarkably positive, maintaining his resilience and hope for a resolution.

A Plea for Help: Captain Vitaly’s Message to Sri Lanka

As the legal process drags on with no end in sight, Captain Vitaly has one message for the Sri Lankan government: “Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, can you please help me go home to my family? I have waited for three years in your good country. I have lost these years of my life without my family. Can you please help me get a decision from the court? Help me get some certainty for my life and direction.”


The story of Captain Vitaly Tyutkalo is a tragic one—a professional seafarer caught in a legal limbo, unable to return home to his family. The X-Press Pearl fire was a disaster that no one could have foreseen, but the aftermath has left a man stranded in a foreign land with no clear path forward. As the legal process continues to unfold, one can only hope that Captain Vitaly will soon be able to return home and regain the life he has lost over the past three years.


1. What was the cause of the X-Press Pearl fire?
The fire on the X-Press Pearl was caused by a leaking container carrying nitric acid, which led to a chemical reaction and ultimately the destruction of the ship.

2. Why is Captain Vitaly still in Sri Lanka?
Captain Vitaly remains in Sri Lanka due to ongoing legal proceedings related to the fire and the release of pollutants into Sri Lankan waters. His passport has been confiscated, preventing him from leaving the country.

3. How long has Captain Vitaly been in Sri Lanka?
Captain Vitaly has been in Sri Lanka for over three years since the fire on the X-Press Pearl in May 2021.

4. What support has Captain Vitaly received from his employer?
X-Press Feeders has provided Captain Vitaly with legal assistance, accommodation, a car, and continued payment of his salary throughout his ordeal.

5. What is Captain Vitaly’s message to the Sri Lankan government?
Captain Vitaly has requested the Sri Lankan government to help expedite the legal process so he can return home to his family after three years of being trapped in Sri Lanka.