Sri Lanka Law College Unveils New Website to Revolutionize Legal Education

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The Sri Lanka Law College has taken a significant leap forward in enhancing legal education by launching its new website, This development was made possible through the support of the European Union-funded ‘Support to Justice Reform (JURE)’ project, a joint initiative by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and UNICEF, facilitated by the Ministry of Justice. The new website is a cornerstone of the Ministry’s broader digitalization plan aimed at reforming the justice sector in Sri Lanka.

A Collaborative Effort for a Digital Future

The launch event, held on Monday at the Law College Auditorium, was graced by prominent figures, including Chief Justice Jayantha Jayasuriya, PC; Secretary, Ministry of Justice Nihal Ranasinghe; Principal of Sri Lanka Law College, Dr. Athula Pathinayake; Deputy Head of Cooperation, Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka, Edoardo Spacca; and Officer-In-Charge, UNDP in Sri Lanka, Malin Herwig.

Chief Justice Jayantha Jayasuriya, PC, emphasized the significance of the new platform, stating, “This website will enable Sri Lanka Law College to reach out to the world, and in turn, allow the world to connect with the law college. No matter where we are, access to the Law College will always be at our fingertips.”

Enhancing Legal Education Through Technology

The newly launched website is more than just a digital presence; it is designed to be a comprehensive resource for students, faculty, and legal professionals. The platform offers access to academic resources, up-to-date administrative information, and interactive learning tools. This initiative is the first phase of a larger plan under the JURE project, which will eventually see the integration of a Student Management System (SMS) and a Learning Management System (LMS).

Dr. Athula Pathinayake, the Principal of Sri Lanka Law College, highlighted the transformative impact of this development. “For many years, we operated with limited resources, managing with a simple webpage. Today, we express our profound gratitude to the JURE project for playing a pivotal role in developing this website. This is not just a webpage; it’s a hub for many services and will serve as the foundation for our student management system, learning management system, library, digital library, research hub, HR system, and more.”

A Gateway to Legal Profession in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Law College operates under the Incorporated Council of Legal Education, constituted under the Incorporated Council of Legal Education Ordinance No.2 of 1900. It is the only institution in the country offering a complete course of study leading to examinations for those seeking admission to the Bar of Sri Lanka. The Law College serves as the exclusive gateway to the legal profession in Sri Lanka, with its graduates becoming Attorneys-at-Law.

With this new website, the Law College is set to enhance its educational offerings, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the challenges of the legal profession. Edoardo Spacca, Deputy Head of Cooperation at the Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka, noted, “Effective and quality legal education requires effective tools. Today, with support from the EU-funded JURE project, the Sri Lankan Law College has been provided with one of those tools, a new online platform

that I believe will sustain the efforts of its students to become the legal professionals that Sri Lanka needs.”

Looking Ahead: The Future of Legal Education

The future phases of the website’s development under the JURE project will continue to expand its capabilities, including the integration of a digital library, research hub, and human resources system. These advancements will not only streamline administrative processes but also provide students and faculty with modern tools to enhance their learning and teaching experiences.

Malin Herwig, Officer-in-Charge at UNDP in Sri Lanka, emphasized the importance of these digital efforts: “By digitizing such services, it will not only enhance transparency but also improve efficiency, strengthening legal professionals in the country embracing digital solutions to support the rule of law.”

A Digital Transformation for Sri Lanka’s Justice Sector

This new digital platform represents a significant step forward in the digital transformation of Sri Lanka’s justice sector. It will play a crucial role in modernizing legal education and ensuring that the Law College remains at the forefront of legal training in the country. As the website continues to evolve, it promises to provide a more interactive, efficient, and accessible educational experience for all its users.