We Can’t Come Out From the Existing IMF Program Anura Kumara Dissanayake’ s Vision for Sri Lanka’s Economic Future

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Explore Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s vision for Sri Lanka’s economic recovery, his critique of the IMF program, and his plan for a corruption-free society in this detailed analysis. Learn how Dissanayake aims to balance economic reform with social justice in the upcoming presidential election

Sri Lanka is at a critical juncture in its history, facing the challenge of rebuilding an economy that has been severely strained. Anura Kumara Dissanayake, the leader of the National People’s Power (NPP) alliance and its presidential candidate, has emerged as a prominent figure in this complex landscape. In a recent statement, Dissanayake declared, “We can’t come out from the existing IMF program because we entered into the IMF program only after the country was financially collapsed. We believe there could have been another alternative. But now all the bilateral and multi-lateral agreements have been placed inside the IMF basket.” This statement highlights the delicate balance Dissanayake aims to maintain between economic recovery and addressing the hardships faced by the Sri Lankan people.

The Background of Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis

Sri Lanka’s economic woes are rooted in a combination of mismanagement, corruption, and external pressures. The country’s financial collapse led to the involvement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a last resort. The IMF program, while necessary, has brought with it stringent conditions that have burdened the average citizen. Dissanayake’s candidacy is a response to these challenges, as he positions himself as a representative of the people’s demand for change.

Dissanayake’s Critique of the IMF Program

Dissanayake’s statement underscores his skepticism about the IMF program. While acknowledging the necessity of the program given the dire financial situation, he questions whether there were alternative paths that could have been pursued. His concern lies in the fact that all bilateral and multilateral agreements are now tied to the IMF, limiting the country’s economic flexibility. This critique resonates with a population that feels the brunt of austerity measures imposed by the IMF.

 The Role of the National People’s Power Alliance

The NPP, a coalition of 21 groups including political parties, youth, women, and trade unions, is the driving force behind Dissanayake’s campaign. The alliance’s diverse composition reflects a broad-based desire for reform and a break from traditional politics. The People’s Liberation Front (Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna), Dissanayake’s original party, is the key force behind the NPP, bringing with it a legacy of advocating for the nationalization of resources and social justice.

Economic Freedom and Foreign Trade

Despite his party’s traditional stance on nationalizing resources, Dissanayake has shown a willingness to adapt to the changing global economy. He accepts the need for economic freedom and foreign trade, recognizing that Sri Lanka cannot isolate itself from the international community. This pragmatic approach is aimed at balancing economic recovery with the need to protect the interests of the Sri Lankan people.

Upholding the IMF Agreement

Dissanayake has made it clear that his administration will uphold the existing IMF agreement. However, he also intends to negotiate changes to ease the burden on the public. His focus is on ensuring that the IMF program is implemented with a greater sensitivity to the hardships faced by ordinary citizens. This approach aims to strike a balance between meeting international obligations and protecting the welfare of the population.

Addressing Human Rights and Accountability

One of the most contentious issues in Sri Lanka’s recent history is the question of accountability for human rights violations during the 26-year civil war. Dissanayake has taken a measured stance on this issue, stating that his administration will focus on uncovering the truth rather than seeking retribution. His approach is to investigate alleged violations and seek an agreement with the victims’ families, emphasizing reconciliation over punishment.

Geopolitical Challenges: Navigating Between China and India

Sri Lanka’s geopolitical position places it at the center of a delicate balancing act between China and India. Both nations have significant stakes in Sri Lanka’s economy, and their rivalry poses a challenge for any future government. Dissanayake has pledged to handle this geopolitical rivalry with utmost care, recognizing the need to maintain strong relationships with both nations while protecting Sri Lanka’s sovereignty.

The Upcoming Presidential Election

The presidential election on September 21 is set to be one of the most crucial in Sri Lanka’s history. With a record 39 candidates approved to run, the race is highly competitive. Incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe is also in the fray, campaigning on the strength of his economic reform plan. However, Dissanayake has gained significant traction, with many voters seeing him as the true agent of change.

Public Perception and Opinion Polls

Political analysts, including Jehan Perera, have noted that Dissanayake has maintained a lead in the more reliable opinion polls. This is largely due to his image as a candidate who is disconnected from the business and political elites that have dominated the country’s governance. For those who prioritize change over continuity, Dissanayake represents a new direction for Sri Lanka.

The Vision for a Corruption-Free Society

A cornerstone of Dissanayake’s platform is his commitment to building a corruption-free society. He believes that economic recovery is impossible without addressing the root causes of corruption that have plagued Sri Lanka for decades. His administration would prioritize transparency, accountability, and the rule of law as fundamental principles of governance.

Building a Sound Economy

Dissanayake’s vision for Sri Lanka’s economy goes beyond merely surviving the current crisis. He aims to build a sound economy that is resilient, diversified, and capable of providing opportunities for all citizens. This includes investing in education, healthcare, and infrastructure, as well as promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Role of Youth and Women in Governance

The inclusion of youth and women’s groups in the NPP coalition is not just symbolic. Dissanayake has emphasized the importance of involving these groups in the decision-making process. He believes that a truly representative government must reflect the diversity of the population and address the unique challenges faced by different segments of society.

Challenges in Implementing Reforms

While Dissanayake’s platform is ambitious, he is also aware of the challenges that lie ahead. Implementing reforms in a country with deep-seated political and economic issues will require not only vision but also the ability to build consensus and navigate complex power dynamics.

The Importance of National Unity

Dissanayake’s campaign is built on the idea of national unity. He believes that the only way to move forward is by bringing together all segments of society and working towards common goals. This includes addressing historical grievances and fostering a sense of belonging among all citizens.

Conclusion: A New Chapter for Sri Lanka?

As Sri Lanka prepares for the upcoming presidential election, the question on everyone’s mind is whether Anura Kumara Dissanayake can deliver the change he promises. His commitment to upholding the IMF agreement while protecting the public’s welfare, addressing human rights in a way that promotes reconciliation, and navigating complex geopolitical challenges positions him as a formidable candidate. Whether he can translate these promises into tangible results remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: the people of Sri Lanka are yearning for a new direction, and Dissanayake is at the forefront of this movement.


  1. What is the main critique of Anura Kumara Dissanayake regarding the IMF program?
    Dissanayake questions whether alternative solutions could have been explored before entering the IMF program, which has imposed significant burdens on the Sri Lankan people.
  2. How does Dissanayake plan to address human rights violations from Sri Lanka’s civil war?
    He intends to focus on uncovering the truth and seeking reconciliation rather than pursuing punitive measures.
  3. What is the NPP, and how does it support Dissanayake’s campaign?
    The National People’s Power (NPP) is a coalition of 21 groups, including political parties, youth, women, and trade unions, that supports Dissanayake’s platform for change.
  4. How does Dissanayake view Sri Lanka’s geopolitical position between China and India?
    He plans to navigate the rivalry between China and India with care, maintaining strong relationships with both while protecting Sri Lanka’s sovereignty.
  5. What is Dissanayake’s vision for Sri Lanka’s future?
    He envisions a corruption-free society with a sound economy that provides opportunities for all citizens, driven by transparency, accountability, and inclusivity.

Source: The Associated Press